Monday, December 21, 2009

Prerna - BMS Festival

L.S. Raheja College of Arts & Commerce is at the peak of management education. With a strong objective of imparting knowledge BMS students of L.S Raheja College have been implementing innovative techniques and methods on an ongoing basis. With the help of the students the college is constantly achieving its strings of goals and ambitions.

In 2001, a bunch of young amateurs united to successfully materialize their thoughts that formed the origin of Prerna. The previous seminars conducted in the past glorious years by successful and renowned speakers encompassed varying ranges of topics encircling management.


  1. wow!!!! I will definitely come for PRERNA!!!

  2. C2E sounds so interesting!!!! so cool!!!! wowww!!!!!

  3. Yo ppl!!! AAWAAZ!!!! \m/
